The Equalizer
Denzel Washington in The Equalizer

Dependability isn’t half as popular as fame, success, affluence or even affection.

‘Cause, these things are manifest. Dependability isn’t. It has to be felt. But, when felt, it can totally eclipse all the other things mentioned. 

Fame can fizzle out. Success can cycle up to failure. Affluence can evaporate much faster than the way it appeared. Affection can let someone slip dangerously into an abjectly helpless state.

Dependability, in contrast, is sheer power... a storehouse of energy… a rock-solid promise. It just doesn’t get shaken up, ’cause, it was built on this steely foundation called Character.

Those who get cocooned into this safe zone are seriously the blessed lot. They know they’re in safe hands.

This wow-ish persona is on full display in The Equalizer, with Denzel Washington coruscating in this role, firing up flashes of awe and inspiration. And, an aspiration for one to be at least a minuscule version of this much larger-than-life personality.

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